Happy Tuesday from Merri-Mac! Our day started bright and early as girls worked hard to clean their cabins to perfection in hopes of winning the highly coveted cabin cake, awarded to the cleanest cabin at the end of every week. After walking down the hill we were greeted with a breakfast of scrambled eggs, potatoes, and chocolate muffins, a camp favorite! After singing some of our favorite chapel songs like “Reckless Love” and “Father I Adore You”, we listened to a message from Adam about who Jesus is. Then, girls headed off to their activities for the morning. In guitar, girls learned new chords, songs, and even played songs together! Fencing and gymnastics were hard at work wrapping up bars before the session came to a close, and pottery and knitting spent time finishing up their projects. For lunch, we had a delicious meal of chicken tenders and french fries. This was followed by singing our favorite tribe songs and finding out the winner of last night’s game of mission impossible…the Black Bears! After lunch we had a relaxing rest time, but free time was filled with activity. Some of our girls practiced for tomorrow night’s highly anticipated Princess Party, others played in a competitive pickleball tournament, and some of the younger girls put on a play about superheroes in the chapel! After free time, we headed to our afternoon classes where we were greeted by a quick thunderstorm, but that didn’t stop our fun! As the rain passed, girls in kayaking worked on t-rescues and practiced their strokes, while swimming worked on beating their fastest times. After activities, girls will prepare to show their best tribal spirit for tonight’s evening activity of Sock War! We are trying to soak up every last bit of fun as our 3A friends prepare to go home in a few days, and we can’t wait to see what the rest of this week will bring!


From this haven,

Maddie Lemmon

Dreams End Counselor