Another beautiful day at Merri-Mac started with a delicious breakfast of french toast and sausage. From there, the girls went to chapel and then morning activities. Activities today were very exciting! In canoeing, girls learned how to swamp and shallow-water rescue their canoes. In backpacking, the classes took a nature walk on the Tomahawk trail and learned about native plants. Some other interesting and impressive skills learned in activities were: stunts in cheer, breast stroke in swimming, collaging in DIY crafts, gaits and bracing in kayaking, and frisbee relays in Vintage Games. Also, in Merri-Move, Ava Taylor W. taught a class and got  one step closer to earning her gold! All around camp, one could hear the enthusiastic cheers from campers and counselors alike as we celebrated girls’ accomplishments!

After the morning activities, the girls returned to the Tucker Inn for a great lunch that consisted of hot dogs and soft pretzels. Yum! Following lunch, each girl sought to help her tribe (and camp!) during Tribal Trash. During free time, girls taking basketball had the opportunity to work on their basketball skills and bars.

Afternoon activities were just as exciting as morning activities as girls raced the puppies around camp, played volleyball games, and baked cookies in cooking! In climbing, girls learned how to belay, worked on bars, and Vivian F. mock led up the tower! On a more relaxing note, girls honed their knitting skills of finger knitting, crocheting, and regular knitting while they made headbands, scarves for teddy bears, and more!

Later, the girls of Merri-Mac enjoyed a delightful dinner of chicken alfredo, cooked carrots, and french bread. At today’s meals, many girls were celebrated for earning their bars. Elizabeth M. and Lucy M. earned a gold in lacrosse, Nataleigh P. earned a gold in swimming, and Ellie H. learned various dives and got her silver in one day! Wow!

Yesterday evening, campers and counselors were entertained by Vespers. A team of counselors performed skits and the Black Mountain Oysters (our counselor band) performed with the help of a very interactive audience! Tonight’s evening activity will be exciting no doubt as the girls seek out counselors in a tribal game of counselor hunt.

There are two overnight trips out tonight as campers adventure at Black Balsam on a backpacking trip and the French Broad River on an overnight canoeing trip! Jillian J., Sydney H., Allie B., Laney W., Emersen M., and Kate M. are backpacking! Grace H., Callie T., Belle B., Georgia D., Camille B., Louisa De Beer., and Olivia B. are canoeing! I can’t wait to see and hear about the wonderful, adventurous experiences these girls had on the trips.

It was another beautiful, eventful day at Camp Merri-Mac, and I can not wait to see what is in store for tomorrow!


From This Haven

Shelby Orton

Rainbow Counselor