Hello again from the amazing Camp Merri-Mac! Today has been chock full of good, growing fun. The morning kicked off with the basics, of course—wake up, braid hair, brush teeth, and cabin clean up. The competition for the coveted cabin cake is tight this year, for everyone wants and expects perfect 10s! Breakfast had all the southern classics of scrambled eggs, crispy bacon, potato wedges, and a full-blown grits bar with all the toppings! With happy hearts, (and stomachs!) the girls filed into Chapel to sing, pray, and listen to Sarah English C. give her True Story, which explained how her hiking guide’s voice in a bat cave in Costa Rica felt a lot like how the Lord leads and guides us through our everyday lives.

A few trips went out today! Julia H., Allie J., Reagan L., Mims P., Pearl T., and Callen W., enjoyed a sunny day on Lake James waterskiing! A Climbing trip went out with Luca T., Paige R., Kate H., Emma A., Claire R., Laurence B., Isabelle T., and Poppy W.! Last but not least a Backpacking trip left with Cecilia G., Anna F., Isabel D., Martha P., Adaline G., Ivy C., Lizzie H., Gigi N., Mollie R., Riley M., Clarissa S., and Georgia D.

First period starts off the day’s excitement with a buzz of activity. In one of our Camp Cooking classes, Hannah G. and Sophie S. learned how to flip circle patties on the grill for delicious mini sliders, mmm! In Second period, it was a joy watching our girls teach tricks in their PAWS puppy groups in preparation for the puppy talent show next week (SO cute!) and others getting their gold on the courts in basketball! You go girls!!

Lunch was a hearty meal of salami, ham and cheese subs, mandarin oranges, and waffle fries that tasted even better than Chickfila’s! After swiftly clearing tables, the chiefs lead tribe songs in all their might, with each Iroquois/Seminole/Choctaw girl belting her cheers with so much spirit and energy that it felt like the dining hall was shaking! Thoroughly tuckered out, cabins linked arms to head directly into Rest Period for a quick nap or some thoughtful letter writing. Our Tweedles practically race from their lodge to be first in line for Trading Post—many sour punch straws and M&Ms were exchanged today.

3rd period arrives after a Free Period spent on the Tucker Inn Porch weaving friendship bracelets or on the tetherball courts in intense two-on-two matches. In Pottery class today, the girls were told they could create anything their hearts desired, and Ellie G. decided to shape a totem pole from her lump of clay! Everything the campers came up with was so unique and special, reflective of themselves! I had so much fun watching Fourth Period Yoga, where counselors Mary L. and Lizzie H. taught a relaxing sun salutation class.

Tonight, we will once again deck out in our parade of tribe gear, face paint, and glitter for a fun evening activity of…El Presidente! Tribe leaders can hide their generals all they want, but each camper is desperately on the hunt for each tribe’s game ending figure, the President! A flurry of racing colors and socks ensue, with shrieks of laughter and America-themed songs ringing across camp.

These girls grow cuter, sweeter, and more skilled by the day! We feel so thankful that y’all have blessed us with your daughters this summer. Adam often says that there are no other girls on earth quite as amazing and full of character as Merri-Mac campers, and I whole-heartedly agree! Every day offers new opportunities to learn and grow from each other with the foundation of the Gospel spurring us through every activity, and everyone leaves the summer with something amazing to carry home with her—a fuller understanding of who God created her to be in Him. Day is done, gone the sun…but the thrill of tomorrow awaits!


From this Haven,

Audrey M.

Tweedle Dee counselor

DIY til the day I die!

Proud Iroquois