It’s always a Merri day here at camp Merri-Mac and this beautiful Wednesday was no exception! The girls woke up this morning remembering all the awesome activities they did last night for Cabin Night. Bellies were extra full as many cabins had snacks after dinner. Smores were made by Tweedles, chocolate chip blueberry pancakes made by Stardust, cupcakes decorated by Blue Heaven and even chicken fajitas made by Sundrop! Rainbow sent their girls on a scavenger hunt all over camp while the Dreams girls had a photo-shoot and free swim in Lake Doris. Music, dancing and laughter could be heard all throughout camp nearly until the last bugle. Cabin night is a favorite around here, offering a chance for the girls to bond as a cabin and have a great time with their friends as camp is coming to a close.


Today started with the BEST BREAKFAST EVER. Cinnamon coffee cake, baked oatmeal, bacon, grits, cereal and spiced peaches were devoured by campers everywhere creating a line for refills that could have circled the dining hall (if we didn’t have such awesome kitchen staff keeping campers moving). Breakfast ended with three silly camp songs that got every one energized and ready for the day.

A soft wind blew through the chapel today as Elizabeth E. gave a lesson on God providing us with exactly what we need even when we think we need more. Tribal meetings followed chapel after which the girls has a few minutes of free time to play tetherball, work on their bracelets and hang out in one of the many enos that cover the campground.

On the lake this morning campers practiced their rolls, swam, blobbed, canoed and even took turns going down the water slide. The water may have been a little chilly, but that never stops our girls from have a great time on Lake Doris. Puppy Camp took their dogs on a walk past the waterfront ensuring that Robb, Dillon, Motley, Gibbs and Page will be all tuckered out for rest hour. Riding also took a trail ride today giving campers a unique opportunity to view the camp on the back of a horse. Cooking whipped up some delicious omelets filled with peppers, onions, and bacon – oh my! Knitting & Pottery had a very chill day today with campers working on the finishing touches of their projects.

For lunch we had yet another camp favorite – mini corn dogs, mac n’ cheese, pears, tomato bisque, fresh bread and salad. The campers sang their loudest during tribe songs then marched up the hill to their cabins for rest hour. Once the bugle rang it was a mad dash for trading post where the girls got to snack on some of their favorite candy and play games with their friends. Allison F. and Millie M. hosted a “messy twister” tournament where girls played twister – but with paint. Everyone was covered in green, purple, blue and red handprints with smiles ear-to-ear.

Afternoon classes began at 3:30. In archery the girls got to shoot their arrows at inflated balloons attached to their targets. It was awesome to see the joy on their face when their balloon popped. In guitar, the girls played songs and said a tearful goodbye to their instructor Ari J. as this is the last day of MWF classes. Fitness was taught by two sunny-siders who enthusiastically got the girls motivated to do some rather hard moves! I stopped back by cooking at the end of 4th period to sample one of their creations for the day – monkey bread – which was delicious!

Tonight is American Color Wars where the girls will dress in red, white and blue while playing capture the flag. Patriotism can be seen throughout the camp as the girls don their most patriotic clothing. (You’ll also hear a distant chant of USA throughout the evening).


Happy Camping,

Morgan Collette

Puppy Camp Director

Iroquois Best Tribe