Campers woke this morning eager to start their day despite the rain that helped them drift to sleep the night before. They scrambled out of bed and donned their best American attire. Anne Boyd said it best at breakfast, “ We may have a dampened camp, but I see it has not dampened your spirits.” After a breakfast of waffles, whipped cream, blueberries and strawberries (devoted to the 4th of July theme, of course), the Sunnyside girls lead the campers in an array of patriotic songs to celebrate the country that we love.

Soon after, the girls raced up the hill to go to chapel where we listened to Sarah Jane as she told a wonderful story illustrating God’s perfect love. The girls enjoyed the free time after chapel by playing tetherball, reading, and making friendship bracelets. As the bugle rang announcing it was time for classes to begin, Allison F. was eager to show the Drama class her monologue to complete the requirements to get her bronze. Amy J. and Sarah P. put the finishing touches on the mugs that they had thrown in Pottery in days past. Hayden M., Bianca P., Jess T. and Anna Blair P. perfected their shots in Riflery. Lainey G. worked on her skills in Guitar as the class learned to play America, the Beautiful.

Soon the lunch bell rang and all of camp was excited to eat the fantastic pizza the kitchen staff had prepared. The Announcement Song was changed in honor of the 4th by replacing every interesting word with “America.” One of the favorite renditions being, “It’s the Americans that make America so great!” The girls headed up to their cabins after lunch. As soon as the bugle rang to announce the ending of rest hour, the girls sprang from their beds and ran to Trading Post where the wonderful CIT’s helped to dole out Hershey’s bars, Butterfingers, Sour Punch Straws, and Diet Green Tea, which are all camp favorites. Some of the girls enjoying their treats outside of Trading Posts cheered for Bobby and Seth (two of our wonderful maintenance men) as they worked.

 Third and fourth periods were filled with fun as Jessica G. and Mary Helen P. played Kayak Water Football and Caroline, Grace and Millicent C. enjoyed riding the horses around camp. Swayze W. showed off her basketball skills, Olivia O. practiced bouncing the ball off her head in Soccer, Claire D. practiced perfecting her knots in Climbing, and Anna P. knitted by the hearth of the fireplace in Knitting. The girls spent the free time after fourth period in their cabins waiting for the dinner bell to ring. When it did, we were all happy to be filling our stomachs with warm Chicken Alfredo Pasta after a damp day.

The Sunnysiders proudly announced after eating that it was State Song Night which meant that girls from each state would stand up and sing songs honoring their home state together. After all the represented states had sung their songs we were treated to the National Anthems of Africa, Canada, El Salvador, and Puerto Rico. Merri-Mac girls are truly all over the world!

 After dinner the girls headed up to their cabins to have a fun night painting nails, eating s’mores, giggling over stories, and building friendships that will last a lifetime. Even the rain can’t hold us down! It was a red, white and blue Fourth of July here at Merri-Mac!

Thank you for allowing us the privilege of getting to know your daughters this summer!

From this Haven,

Little Dipper Counselor

Proud Choctaw

Proud American

Ainsley D.