The sun did not want to get out of bed this morning. Instead, a low fog hung over camp until midway through the morning when the sun finally decided to push through the clouds and show his face.  Unlike the sun, six Merri-Mac girls jumped out of bed right when the bugle rang so that they could make it to the boy’s breakfast (where they sat outside on the porch to eat) before water skiing with instructor Falon D. Their names are Eva B., Julia M., Sarah W., Caroline Y., Analaura C. and Heather C.

Halfway through breakfast, another group of girls left for a trip, but instead of water skiing, they went rafting. Their names are Juliette A., Julia B., Grace B., Cecilia C., Olivia C., Claire W., Vivian G., Isabel H., Abigail J., Sarah L., Anna M., Anabell M., Lawton N., Hope P., Elizabeth P., Emily P., Ellie S., Rachel S., Bailey S., Elizabeth S., Ashley W. and Ellen G.

Finally, right before chapel, six other girls left for a kayak and canoeing trip on section IV of the French BroadRiver. Their names are Gracie Rae H., Mary S., Andie K, Sofia S., Maggie S., and Hailey H. From what I overheard as the girls talked about their trips at dinner, all of the trips went really well and the girls had fun although they seemed pretty tired and in need of a good meal and early bedtime.

Back at camp the weather blossomed into a sunny, but rather cool day for late July in the mountains. Cooking class with instructors Bex and Leslie made homemade Mac & Cheese and Pigs in a blanket. Climbing class was in the Mike with instructors Haley and Kate where girls could try their hand at the overhang and dance worked on some kind of crazy dance that I knew I could never twist my body into doing. The rest of the classes were at their usual respective location, but everywhere I went girls were smiling and enjoying themselves. You all have wonderful daughters and they are a delight to have both in class and in our cabins!

Tonight, for evening activity, Merri-Mac girls get to enjoy division night! This is night in which the different age groups, junior camp, intermediate and senior hill split up and do different activities. The junior camp is at the waterfront for a free swim, intermediate camp is at Macky’s green for a slip and slide and senior hill girls are in the Mike for an epic night of battle ball (think dodge ball). In order to make the night even more interesting, all of senior hill decided to dress like old 80s aerobics teachers. Jane Fonda might be missing a leotard or two tonight! Anyway, it has been a great day at camp. Thank you for sharing your girls with us this summer!


Kara Lofton

Dreams End
