IMAGE CAPTION – Summer has landed!

Good Morning All You Merri-Mac Girls!

Summer has landed at Merri-Mac. Camp is a beehive of activity as Bobby and the boys put their final touches on the property and our first counselors are arriving. Ryan is planning the Black Mountain Expedition adventure to the High Sierras, Ann is inventorying our clothing, Dan is organizing the world of Timberlake, and we’re all getting excited for what is about to happen.

We’ve heard from a lot of you recently. Sadly we cannot post everyone’s comments (there are just too many), but here are a few.

Kelly J. writes, “Just wanted to say hey… again! It’s already May! I’ll keep it short this time… Merri-Mac: WATCH OUT. The taking-over of Sunnyside oh nine is almost here. The girls of second session are not going to know what hit them… I’m not even joking. It’s gonna be scary! (but awesome!) love you guys!” From Rachel Jordan we have word, “I’m SO excited for camp and I can’t wait to see all of your beautiful faces!” Nina H. checked in saying, “Hey! Nothing much is happening with me, I’m just writing because I’m so campsick!” Ellie W. feels the same way, “I miss camp so much and I am already packing! If Krist is reading this – I miss you so much and can’t wait to see you again! Choctaw Rules!” Finally, Lee B. has her own feelings about the tribes. “I keep smiling more and more every day camp comes a little closer. Every time I see the bright sun, or the bright blue sky, it reminds me of the Blue Ridge Mountains that have been in my dreams constantly. Like Kelly J. said, I have been dreaming about this summer for my entire life and I can’t even begin to think about how amazing it will be. I hope you all know how much camp means to me, camp was and always will be a home for me. This haven isn’t just a summer camp, it’s a family and I know that no matter what happens in my life, camp will stay unchanged. Every June, I look forward to being able to wake up surrounded by the sisters that I love. I think about you all every single day and I know that this summer will be as fun as I have been dreaming it will be. I LOVE YOU ALL p.s., it’s SEMINOLE DOMINATION TIME.” I just have to add… it’s also time for hot pants!

We’ve been a little behind posting these recently, but we’ll be sure to get one next week so that we can post some of the other emails we’ve gotten.

I’ll close with a poem sent to us by Grace Ryan. You’re going to love it!

The best place to be!
Where you can sit,
And just be hap-py.
If it is swimmin’, jumin’,
outside and in,
We just feel like we are all kin.
Merri-Mac is the best place to be.
First, Last, and Always,
that’s what we may say,
No matter what it is,
It’s an awesome day.
But when I leave,
The sad part is,
That if I go,
There will be you that I miss.

From This Haven…
